First Flight Bhutan to India

       First Flight Bhutan to India

               Bhutan Post Card

On 25.11.1988  Bhutan Airlines - DRUK AIR 1st flight flew from Paro city, Bhutan to New Delhi. 
      This inaugural function commemorated by Bhutan Post department. 

In Bhutan country inaugural cancellation cancelled on  Bhutan Postcard. Delivered cancellation cancelled @ Philatelic Bureau, Parliament street ,New Delhi on same date.

 Post card carried over by the DRUK AIR flight.
I have no further knowledge about this carried  cover. Anybody known details, pls share in comments box.

I am collecting various countries of Parliament Buildings.
This postcard delivered cancellation depecit Indian Parliament Building. So i added this Postcard in under the Parliament Building Theme. 

Thank you by C.Madhavan


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