Philatelic Journey to Madurai

Philatelic Journey to Madurai on 16.01.2024

Madurai is my Native District. I am living in Tirumangalam. It is a distance of 20 km away from Madurai.

In Madurai have 2 PPC. One PPC is Fish on flag ( Madurai Pandian Kingdom logo was Fish )  available @ Madurai Philatelic Bureau. This Bureau is situated in Madurai HPO campus. 

Another PPC is Madurai Meenakshi temple. It is available in Madurai Bazar Post office. This post office is opposite to the Meenakshi temple South tower.  

 I visited Madurai Philatelic Bureau & Bazar Post office with my friend Mr.Visweswaran from Aruppukottai on 16.01.2024.

OverView of Madurai H.P.O
Madurai Head Post office have 5 gates.

1st gate is main entrance to office Building
In this entrance have Two Big Post Boxes.

1st Gate near India Post ATM 

2nd gate is mini gate . It is entrance to Philatelic Bureau.

3rd gate is not in use .
      3rd gate to see the View of                 Philatelic Bureau Building. This building was built  100 years before by British India government.
This building have more history. 12 years before this building related article came in Dinamalar Newspaper . I cutted this articles clips from this newspaper and added in my collection. Now also keeping in my collection.  

Two year before this building commemorated by Postal department through special cover.

Now i am in out of station,  so Above Newspaper article & special cover of images can't posted in this blog. I will soon uploaded that images in my Blog.

4th gate is enter to Parcel Division & letter sorting division 
In this gate front 1 Big Post box installed.

5th gate is enter to HPO  business activity Building.
In this building outside installed Rectangle shape Post box .

In 5th gate entrance have another one cylinder shape Post Box.

Madurai Philatelic Bureau 
Maduai Philatelic Bureau entrance gate is a Glass Door.

My friend Mr.Visweswaran sir written letter to his/her Philatelic friends @ Philatelic Bureau. 

Very good Facilities arranged for Philatelist by Philatelic Bureau.This hall is air conditioned. So Philatelist very enjoy this Philatelic Bureau hall. 

In this Philatelic Bureau  have small size six frames. It was  attached in the wall in permanently. In this frames Madurai Philatelist somebody's his/her  exhibits exhibited . This month exhibited by Mr.C.T.Shanmugham . He is the senior member of Madurai Philatelist & Numismatist Association ( MAPNA). He is very much interested in Postcrossing.
Mr.C.T.Shanmugham, MAPNA Life member.
His exhibits @ Philatelic Bureau related video was uploaded into YouTube.  I enclosed the link in the below. Please see this video. 

Madurai PPC 
I got PPC cancellation of Madurai Philatelic Bureau in 20 Postcards. This PPC got in the  left side of the all Post cards. 

Then I  went to Madurai Bazar Post office with Mr.Visweswaran sir & both of them  got Madurai Meenakshi Temple PPC . 

Already I got PPC of Madurai Philatelic Bureau ( Left side ), additionally I got Madurai Bazar PPC on the right side of the same post cards on the same date. But this PPC is not clear. 

And this few post cards I sent to my  Philatelic friends through post on same day.

Beautiful Combination 
This picture post card issued in 1989 by Postal Department @ World Philatelic Exhibition , New Delhi. This picture post card depicted Madurai Meenakshi Temple .  And i  affixed related Meenakshi Amman Temple commemorative stamp. It was issued in 1999 .  And  I got Madurai PPC in this picture post card on 16.01.2024.
 I think it is equal to Maxicard .

My Philatelic Journey Diary 
Usually I got every PPC cancellation in this dairy,  where I going places. That day I got both Madurai cancellation in my Philatelic Journey Diary.

Meenakshi Temple South Tower 
Actually this post office is  opposite side of Madurai Meenakshi Temple South tower. In between gap is 40 feet road only 

We  took photos before the Temple & Post office. 

This Madurai Philatelic journey i can't forget in my Philatelic life, because i journey with Mr.Visweswaran sir. We discussed more about Philatelic in this journey.

Thank You


C.Madhavan / mmmstamps 


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