Right to Information Act Day with Philately

Today Right to Information Act Day 

Information mining

Transparent administration

The federal government enacted the Right to Information Act in 2005 to make public access to information from government-aided organizations. In order to create awareness among the people about this law. The Right to Information Law Day is observed on the 25th. The law affirms that it is the duty of government officials to be transparent and to inform anyone who asks. The Information Officer must respond within 30 days of receipt of the application.

News from Today Dinamalar Tamil Newspaper

Translated into English by Google lens

If you need any  information from any Government Office,    pls write letter to concerned government office and ask your needed information. In this letter top right side affix 10 rupees court  fees  stamps. Then only accept your application and process the application by government office 

After received  RTI application  from public in government office,  put date cancellation on the court fees stamps

some office doing   pen cancellation on  court fees stamps in the RTI application .

If not court fees stamps , alternatively enclose the Postal orders Rs 10/-

Thanking you 

By Madurai MAPNA Madhavanc 
Cell No: 9865176568


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