Showing posts from October, 2021
Right to Information Act Day with Philately
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Today Right to Information Act Day Information mining Transparent administration The federal government enacted the Right to Information Act in 2005 to make public access to information from government-aided organizations. In order to create awareness among the people about this law. The Right to Information Law Day is observed on the 25th. The law affirms that it is the duty of government officials to be transparent and to inform anyone who asks. The Information Officer must respond within 30 days of receipt of the application. News from Today Dinamalar Tamil Newspaper Translated into English by Google lens If you need any information from any Government Office, pls write letter to concerned government office and ask your needed information. In this letter top right side affix 10 rupees court fees stamps. Then only accept your application and process the application by government office ...
Indian Police Memorial Day with Philately Dt: 21.10.2021
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Information mining Police Memorial Day Police are involved in a variety of tasks, including law and order. Oct as a tribute to the sacrifices of the police. National Police Memorial Day is observed on the 21st. On October 21, 1959, the Chinese military shot dead 10 border guards in Ladakh. It was created in 2018 to recognize their sacrifice. Updated, improved National Police. Prime Minister Modi dedicated the memorial and museum to the nation in 2018. *TODAY* *National Police Commemoration Day* In the war against deadly virus policemen and healthcare professionals have been the frontline soldiers. For the last few months, police officers across the country have been going the extra mile to help the people deal with this pandemic. Thus, by remembering the brave policemen who sacrificed their lives while discharging their duties. We can pay tributes to the martyrs on this National Police Commemoration Day. National Police Commemoration Day and his...
Honey Buzzard Bird information with Philately Stamps
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A female Honey Buzzard Bird travelled 10000km within 42days from south Africa to Finland country . Amazing Information. A female European Honey Buzzard Bird was fitted with a satellite tracking system in Finland recently and was of particular interest to locals because it spent the most recent austral summer around the town of Reitz in the Free State in South Africa. She left Reitz to start heading north on 20 April and on the 2nd of June, she finally reached Finland where she will probably spend the boreal summer before probably returning again next season for a visit in South Africa. Here is an image showing the data received from the tracker which plots out the route that she took to head north... so, in just 42 days, she covered over 10 000 km at an average of more than 230 km every single day! Isn’t that just amazing...?!" What I find amazing is how she took a straight line north except for when she had to fly over water. (or Sudan) Edit: Apparently sh...
Spider on Philately
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Thousands of Information on science Purple blood - Spider There are 49,623 types of spiders on earth Not all types of spiders pose a risk. Human oxygen contains the molecule iron. It gives the blood a red color. But the blood of the spider is purple because of the copper molecule in the oxygen. Female spiders are more hungry. The silk in the spider web is stronger than iron, which is about the same size. Most spiders have four pairs of eyes. Type, lifespan 2 to 20 years depending on gender. Courtesy : News From Today Dinamalar Newspaper. Translated from Tamil to English by Google lens Thank you By Madurai MAPNA MadhavanC
Good Morning message with Philately - TajMahal stamps
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Good Morning message with Philately message. solar energy
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